Outcome-focused therapy that gets
people off the sidelines and back into life


Home and Community Recreation Therapy is thrilled to announce our inaugural 3-year CARF accreditation. HCRT has been awarded the highest level of accreditation by CARF International for home and community services. This new CARF accreditation demonstrates HCRT’s quality, accountability, and commitment to the satisfaction of the persons served. It is also one of the first accreditations in the country awarded to a company specializing specifically in Recreation Therapy services.


We Transform Lives

Recreation therapy focuses on getting client’s back into doing the things they love. Our goal is to understand what is meaningful and healthy for each client and work towards improving their skills along with modifying and adapting the environment to assure success. We want clients to achieve things they thought were out of reach and help them feel successful and like a real part of their community


Certified & Specialized

Recreation Therapy is a skilled therapeutic intervention. Every therapist holds a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in Recreation Therapy/Therapeutic Recreation and is nationally certified. Our therapists also bring a multitude of certifications and specializations to our clients including fitness training, aquatic therapy, adaptive yoga, music and art specializations and adaptive sports.


Practical & Flexible

HCRT doesn’t have a clinic or a building. We use the client’s own home and community as their therapy setting and we flex our schedule to work with the client’s when it works for them. We practice therapy in a real-life environment so the effects and outcomes are tangible and ongoing.

Call us today!


People We Help

"Recreational Therapy helps my son with new opportunities. This is the kind of stuff I want for him. Thank you for such a great day and a once in a lifetime opportunity."
- Drew’s Mom

"I get out more often and I feel good about myself when I get out. Now I go with the flow. I can bowl and fish and go to basketball games and just get out period. I have a lot more confidence now. I'm not alone with this. A lot of people don't know what a RT does and don't understand disabled people. My RT does."

- Mr. S, HCRT client with quadriplegia

"Before I started RT I used to sleep constantly, never talk with friends on the phone anymore and never go out. After I worked with my RT I started going to weddings with friends again, going out to eat, calling just to chat and even shopping again. I started using the pool again too. Now I'm feeling more and more like a person and less like a brain injured person."

- Mrs. W, RT client with a brain injury

Hours of Service

Client service hours can start as early as 8 a.m. and end as late as 8 p.m. Monday through Sunday.
Arrangements can also be made based on client’s needs.

Our office is open Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.