Doug Luenner 

Certified Therapeutic Recreational Specialist
Certified Adult Swim Instructor through U.S. Masters Swimming

Doug graduated from Eastern Michigan University in August 2018 with a bachelor's of Science in Recreational Therapy. He became officially certified through the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certifications in September of 2018. He has worked a variety of populations including TBI, SCI, Autism Spectrum, Cerebral Palsy, and other physical and cognitive deficits. Doug is on the board for Michigan Adaptive Sports and spends a lot of his spare time volunteering with them in both the winter and summer clinics. Doug specializes in music, cooking, and adaptive sports. His favorite adaptive sports are water skiing, volleyball, tennis, lacrosse, and sled hockey. He plans on getting a Master's Degree in the future from Grand Valley State University.

When he is not working, Doug tends to spend his time playing ice hockey, playing his guitar, skateboarding, kayaking, swimming, and other various outdoor activities. 


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